Processing Flip Book

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This is a walkthrough for an abstract flipbook from scratch in Processing.

Begin with the excellent video here for a sense of sine and cosine waves and their potential in Processing.

Build a sketch that makes a design you like—black lines on a white background with size(400,400)

Next, look to the PDF library bundled with Processing.

Add the "multiple pages export" function to your sketch above. Use the no screen display if you want it quickly, or the other if you want to watch it build. There are plenty of ways to implement this; I'm leaving this as an exercise to you. Don't print more than 240 pages, but make sure the essence of you sketch is in the PDF.

Once you have your PDF (check the sketch folder!), open in Acrobat and choose Print. Click "Multiple" in the middle of the window, then choose 6 by 8 pages per sheet. You can choose "Print page border" if you are curious how they are lining up.

Make sure you don't print double sided. That isn't how flipbooks work.

Use a paper cutter to precisely cut the squares, then secure them with a clip. Show your friends. Be proud of your creation.