How 2 Mail Merge
From TSAS Library
Today we will combine the powers of MS Word and Excel to create a Mail Merge! A mail merge will take a table of information such as names, addresses, salutations, etc. and insert them into a Word document. This allows you to send (semi)personalized letters/handouts/documents to individuals without all of the cutting and pasting it would require otherwise.
Your goal is to write a letter requesting a letter of recommendation from five community members (teachers, counselors, religious leaders, employers) and include a document that will tell them about what you have been up to.
- Download this file to your shared folder and open it in Word. Save this as Last_RecForm.docx
- Open a blank Excel workbook. Make a list of 5 people who could write you a letter of recommendation* by placing each name in its own row in column A. You should have A1:A5 filled when you have finished. *This can be anyone you are not related to. Save this as Last_RecMerge.xlsx
- Look over the form. Note that most of page one is specific to one person, not everyone on your list. Mark those questions that require a personalized answer with two hashtags/pound signs/octothorpes: ##
- Fill out the rest of the questions. Your resume is probably going to be helpful here. Fix the format as you go, and feel free to remove all of the horizontal lines.
- Create a new Word document and write a letter requesting a recommendation. Use this OWL guide to help with content and formatting. Place your two pound sign around any place that will require something specific to an individual (name, address, pronoun, etc). Save as Last_RecLetter.docx
- Follow this guide to add the information in your Excel spreadsheet to the ## spaces in your Word document.