Spitler: My Tulsa Tech Experience

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This is a project of just my everyday life at Tulsa Tech. It also shows the difference between it and a traditional high school. Also how it affected my future and also how it helped me get jobs, internship, etc.

Teddy Spitler 2020
House Career & College
Advisor Stephen Place
Plans Le Cordon Bleu
Advice Go to Tulsa Tech, that’s it. You always have a head start, or even it you don’t want to do it you will have a skill or trade to fall back on.
Type Presentation
Subject TulsaTech

How It Began

My experience the same as I finished it.

How It Changed

Yeah, they went as planned. I had originally planned to do it with my other friends who went to Tulsa Tech, so you could see the comparison between the experiences.


It just helped me realize how much TulsaTech has done for me.