I created my own business!

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For my project, I created a business that covers Photography, Painting, Prints, Literary Books, Blogging, and More! I hope that my work can make an impact on people, at a reasonable price. My project is intended to help other people through my perception. You can view my entire project at this link: taevygillispie.carrd.co

Taevy Gillispie 2020
House Liberal Arts House
Advisor Rachel Doss
Plans TCC, English
Advice Respect your teachers, and ALL faculty! Don't vape in the bathrooms and set a good example for the classes below you. And most of all, HAVE FUN NEXT YEAR and live it up. Don't overthink the Senior Capstone, it is a great opportunity to share your voice before you head to college, and for you to do something you are proud of! I had a lot of fun doing mine. Keep an open mind and don't forget that Senior year is supposed to be a blast!
Type Portfolio
Discipline Visual Arts

How It Began

Starting a Photography Business

How It Changed

Things went as planned, and I ended up doing way more than I thought. I imagined this project being way smaller, but then again it is only the beginning of this project too.


I learned a lot about myself. I also learned a lot of new art mediums and started looking at it with an even broader perspective. This year I learned a lot, and with learning changes your perspective of things... It makes you better!