Capstone 2020

A Quick Stroll Through Downtown Tulsa
Urban darkroom photography shot around Downtown Tulsa.
Kara Baker
Art Expedition
Exploring different mediums
Silvia Banuelos
What It’s Like to Be a Dancer
Presentation of poetry and dancing
Skyeler Berry
To Be a Partner
Reflections on working at Starbucks
Emma Campbell
Skin Deep
Portraits of TSAS students
Dottie Chandler
A History of WWI
History of WWI
Ah-yoka Clopton
Social Media And The Effects It Has On Us
Presentation on the effects of social media
Ashley Davis
The Process of a Print
The process of carving and printing
Quinn Del Rio
Graphic design portfolio
Erica Deleon
An Arabesque in C Sharp Minor
Original piano performance
Daniel Duron
Cordario Foster: Cross Country Athlete
How to be the GOAT
Cordario Foster
The Art of Street Art
Street art demonstration
Cesar R Garcia
I created my own business!
Starting a Photography Business
Taevy Gillispie
Power Sports
Small engine repair
Jose Gomez
The Art of Learning
Learning various new artistic skills
Parker Grubb
Hard Working Hands
A resource website, gallery and poetry demonstration.
Alejandra Viridiana Guzman
My Tulsa Tech Experience
Presentation on TulsaTech's automotive program
Malik Harris
OKC Thunder Website
Website about each player on the OKC Thunder
Corbyn Hedrick
Gardens and Isolation
Reflection on growth through gardening
Rick Hills
Discovery Lab Internship
Presentation on volunteering at the Discovery Lab
Chloe Hilow
Building A Computer From the Ground Up
Computer design and assembly
Elijah Holder
Tour of the Children's Museum
My time at the Children's Museum
Ashton Hoskison
Where'd All the Time Go
Film photography portfolio
Judah Howald
What's wrong with our death investigation system?
Issues with death investigation in the US.
Paden Howell
Sheryl Hunt - Artwork
Drawings of animals
Sheryl Hunt
Skillful Spirits
Painted wooden canvases of teachers.
Kala Hurt
FANTASY NOVEL (Title in Progress)
Sampling chapters of my book
Bryan Ivey
Best Art In Town
My project is artwork and painting, realistic and cartoon.
Rickey Jamison Jr.
My Progression as an Aspiring Amateur Photographer
Photography portfolio
Alejandra Jaramillo
My photography experience
Portfolio of digital and film photography.
Lillian Johnson
Highschool Nostalgia
Animated video
Amaya Jones
I Wrote a Song
Four songs and a slide show
Jordan Lyles
TulsaTech Sitcom
A sitcom script
Sam McClure
McKenney Photography
Photo showcase
Joshua McKenney
Fluid Art
Creating fluid paintings
Anna Megehee
The Importance of Early Adolescent Learning
Volunteering in early childhood learning
Lillian Megibben
Reflection on self-growth
George Mohn
Cyber Security for Daily Life
Cyber threats for average users
Jaidyn Moore
Plants and Their Edibility and Utility: Gila National Forest
Journal of wild plant species
Laith Mortadha
An Exploration Into the Importance of Voice
Liberation through voice
Sophie O'Reilly
Focal Vision 2020
Finding my photography style
Aaliyah Ortega
Baking from Scratch
Making cosmic brownies from scratch
Elizabeth Page
Canine Health
Healing sickness or injury in canines
Jailyn Perrier
Indoor Irrigation
Automatic irrigation system
Bradyn Raiber
How High School Helped Me
Mental illness is very real
Sara Skinner
Joylynn Smetana Photography Website
Portfolio website
Joylynn Smetana
Spitler: My Tulsa Tech Experience
Documenting my TulsaTech experience
Teddy Spitler
Why Racial Atrocities Are Possible
Exposing the buried truths
Kate Stevens
Scooter Edit
Demonstrating scooter skills
William Stokes-James
Turner: Fire
Fire's effect on humanity
Aiden Turner
Creating a Business as a High School Student
Creating a business in high school
Celeste Waitkus
Life as a Stage Manager During a Pandemic
Learning the responsibilities of stage managers
Isabella Welch
A Small Shop in a Big World
Crocheting things to make people smile
Eli Whitehurst
Current Safety
Current flow and possible dangers
Ben Whittaker
Austin Williams: SPCA Volunteer
Volunteering at the Tulsa SPCA
Austin Williams
Finding a Hobby: Earrings Edition
Decided to try jewelry making.
Morgan Wilson
The Wise Journey of Dancing
My project entails a brief history of clogging.
Erin Wise