How To Wiki
From TSAS Library
Revision as of 16:44, 8 July 2016 by JStallings (talk | contribs)
Welcome to WinsomeWiki!
Wikis have become an important part of modern life. They have, in effect, replaced encyclopedias as the most frequently used reference material, if not as the most reliable. Before you dive into the WinsomeWiki, there are a few things you should keep in mind:
- Writing for a Wiki is not like writing an essay or a blog post or an email.
- Just like an encyclopedia, a wiki is not a place for independent research. All information should be published elsewhere and cited in the article.
- All material published on a wiki becomes the collective property of members of that wiki.
- Any member may edit or change the work another has published to a wiki. (Remember, you are contributing to the group's knowledge base, not expressing an opinion. That's what class Discussions and Essays are for.)
- Be bold! [1] If you have something to contribute, do it! If you see something that should be changed (even if your teacher wrote it), do it! We are all here to help one another, so don't be offended if your work is altered. If you feel that it was altered incorrectly, there is a Talk Page[2] at the top of each for discussion of changes.
Don't be afraid to dive right in! If you are unfamiliar with the wiki markup language, just hit "Rich Editor" at the top of the edit screen on any article you wish to change. WikiMedia has plenty of information about formatting text[3] and creating links[4]. There is also a Help:Editing link at the bottom of every Edit section of this site.
The How to Write an Article page is a good example of citations using the <ref> tags. The tone is too blogpost-y, but you get the idea.