Online Tools

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Books and Literature

Tech Tools

I Like Processing.

These are Almost Tools.

Historical Media

Science Materials

  • Encyclopedia of Life seeks to collect information and pictures of all forms of life on Earth
  • PLOS, Public Library of Science, nonprofit publisher of scholarly works and academic papers
  • BioRxiv, biology research
  • SocArXiv, sociology research
  • arXiv, open access to 1,180,311 e-prints in physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance and statistics
  • PeerJ, peer-reviewed, open-access articles on life-, bio-, health sciences and computer science.

Open-source Scholarship

  • Directory of Open-Access Journals disseminates free academic papers
  • ShareOK, shared resources between OU and OSU
  • MLA Commons, repository of open access materials
  • Open Library of Humanities open-access, peer-reviewed articles from classics, modern languages and cultures, philosophy, theology and history, to political theory, sociology, anthropology, film and new media studies, and digital humanities.

Free Education!

Documentaries and Videos


  • Habitica, an online app to help you learn better habits