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At the request of publishers, LC has started including these BISAC codes in the MARC 084 field and also converting these codes into their textual equivalents, which are given in the 650 field with the second indicator value set to "7" (Source specified in subfield $2) and "bisacsh" in subfield $2. There are usually one code and one subject string.[1]

To add additional classification source

Our library uses DDC for non-fiction and BISAC for all fiction titles.

Koha->Administration->Classification Sources

"Classification sources" table list those schemes that populate the "field 952$2 and 942$2 in Koha's MARC Bibliographic frameworks and stored in the items.cn_source field in the database"[2]

Choose "Add Classification Source," code "bisac," description "BISAC." Check "Source in Use" and use "Generic Call Number Filing Rules."

It isn't clear what rules the "Generic" selection rules uses, nor is it clear where to set them. The selections below seem circular.


When cataloging, choose the appropriate cataloging scheme in 952 $2.


To re-label tags in OPAC and intranet

Administration-->MARC bibliographic framework-->MARC structure-->[Choose framework]

650 Subject Added Entry-Topical Term

Edit $2 Basic Constraints: Text for librarian should read: "Source of heading or term usually bisacsh"

Ensure advancedMARCeditor is set to display descriptions of fields and subfields in the MARC editor.

To set BISAC subject headings as classification number

Use 084 07 Other Classification Number when cataloging, and $2 should read bisacsh as above.

See Also

Tarsala, Cheryl. "BISAC Basics," The Feral Cataloger. Link.

  1. Library of Congress Report. ALA ALCTS Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA). 8 Jan. 2011. PDF.
  2. Koha 16.11 Manual, Classification Sources.