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Latest revision as of 15:38, 22 February 2020

name = Jackie Brewer last = Brewer picture = File:Brewer19.jpg department = Science house = STEM txthouse = STEM email = jbrewer@tsas.org joined = 2015 education = College of Santa Fe, Art Therapy; BS Horticultural Science Oklahoma State University, 2011; Northeastern State University, Master of Education: Science Education (in progress) whytsas = It was my first and top choice! I absolutely love the unique diversity of the staff and students. The TSAS mission reflects what I believe education should create within our community- life long learners. By encouraging students to approach problem solving creatively, respect individual values and actively engage I feel our school promotes a holistic approach to education and learning. I am so proud to be part of the TSAS family! interestingfact = I married my best friend, Clay Brewer, in October 2017. We have a small farm that includes donkeys, goats and chickens. I expect our herd to grow once we move onto our recently purchased 10 acres! I love to cook and create for others. I was a horticulturist at the Tulsa Zoo prior to teaching at TSAS.

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